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COVID 19 promises to be very disruptive in terms of sales processes with

multi-dimensional challenges.

Companies and sales leaders will need to adapt to the “new normal” on customer expectations, customer value, sales processes, Enablers, skill sets and competencies as well customer as the continuum of customer engagement in the pre-sales, Sales and post-sales zones.

Organizations will need to revisit the benchmarks in sales force productivity, leveraging of marketing capabilities and digitalization initiatives, customer segmentation, pipeline management, training and competency development.

Key factors influencing Post COVID19 sales force productivity will be

Nuanced customer segmentation: Companies will need to adopt a higher level of granularity in their customer segmentation. Organizations with mature data analytics and capture of VOC will have a head start. While others will do well to build their capabilities, the new approach to segmentation and customer segment focus will pay handsome dividends.

Market coverage: Companies will need to optimize their sales capabilities to the hilt. Business outcomes will be better served by structuring market coverage based on potential instead of broad market segments or geography.

Ownership: Sales force capabilities particularly in B2B business need to be built to enable the sales team to take end-to-end ownership of the sales process, with effective leveraging of support capabilities available within the organization.

Customer engagement: Post COVID19 constraints on opportunities for one to one customer or stakeholder engagement will require a high degree of adaptability on part of the sales team. Sales conversations will need to be focused on the payoff zones including identification of need, customer relevant value, clear communication of the “relevant value” proposition, closure and prepping for future demand.

Digital platform for learning: Sales leaders will need to engage their sales teams and empower teams with learning modules that are experiential and enable learning “on the run” as against instructional learning methodologies. Digital platforms can be leveraged to offer “Snackies” or micro learning provides the platform for acquiring skill sets and honing of competencies required for the role. External resources or partners can add immense value in with customized learning offerings delivered as snackies. The learning platform can be enabled for on-line as well as off line learning modules with interactive engagement that enhances sales team capabilities.

Leaders Involvement: will need to take on the role of co-drivers within the organizations in driving operational resilience, response to changing customer expectations, organizational agility and identifying the Opportunities in the crisis.

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